Product Review Request Guidelines

If you represent a product or service that you would like to have featured, reviewed or covered in the magazine, please read the following guidelines before submitting:

1. In most cases, we will require samples of the product or service if we are going to cover it in order to be able to authentically write about it and experience the quality firsthand before we recommend it to our audience.  If this is not feasible due to the unique nature of your product/service we will still consider it for coverage, but please explain why briefly.

2. High quality, high resolution lifestyle photographs and/or product shots on a white/matte background are essential to receive coverage for products.

For examples of what we are looking for, please see the following articles:

3. We review all submissions and will be in touch if we are interested in moving forward. Please note that due to the high volume of email we receive we may not respond to all inquiries immediately but rest assured that if we are interested, you will hear from us.

Please email us here if you would like us to consider your product or service for review: